A Shock To The System

Movie #19

Date Released: 3.23.90

Date Watched: 6.8.2020


This is a good movie. Has moments where it starts to get great but hovers just below. If the main character (Graham Marshall--played by Michael Caine) heard me say that, he’d probably arrange for my untimely exit from this planet. A movie about power, revenge, ego, and aging and competition in the corporate world, this has a lot to it. While there is a lot about technology, so we are forced to look at the ancient phones and computers and floppy discs (!!), it is a pretty observant movie (again) about the changing times. 

Good movie. Tiring week. Feel like we have a 75% chance of successfully reopening school.

Publishing Notes:

  • We did reopen school in September

  • Reminder of what was going on with COVID at the time I was watching these

  • Can’t find movie 18, oh well


Opportunity Knocks


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